Published on: October 2020 ; Category: Colocation Solutions


Despite the growing movement away from on-premises infrastructures, many businesses are not yet pursuing this strategy because of the fear of a complicated process. However, this becomes urgent when it comes to paying closer attention to the significant downsides that companies never take into consideration (until it is too late):


One of the most dangerous circumstances businesses can suffer in on-prem solutions are service outages. Machines’ failure and power interruption can bring to downtime that, even if minimal, can have catastrophic repercussions to the revenue and brand’s reliability.

Data centers avoid this from happening by relying on redundancy to guarantee uninterrupted power, internet connection, security, and machine management. Also, in a Data Center facility, the staff can face problems quickly and intervene instantly, avoiding any consequence.

Businesses continuously grow, and so do their IT infrastructures. Limited space available, time to implement, and budget could be challenging obstacles for many companies, whatever the size. The only way to scale an on-prem solution is, by nature, with continual upfront budget injection.

Data Centers enable businesses to scale and increase power supply over time as needed quickly, moving from CAPEX to OPEX.

On-premises infrastructures to keep lights ON need many professionals with specific technical experiences, not limited to system and network engineers. In the case of machines outage or failure, on-premises solutions require immediate intervention from people able to repair them quickly. This wide range of skills implies a high cost of hiring and training.

Choosing a Data Center colocation solution with specialized staff that continuously monitors the facility to keep customers’ IT infrastructure safe will let companies forget about the stress of hiring and training staff and let the IT team focus on their core business.

On-premises infrastructures typically rely on a single connectivity feed built into the building and have minimal carrier choice options. This aspect makes the whole infrastructure extremely vulnerable: a simple fiber breakage or DDoS attacks could cause prolonged outages with catastrophic consequences.

Data Centers can ensure business continuity thanks to a fully redundant system, multiple paths, and high-speed bandwidth.

Plan to move your entire on-prem infrastructure with care and rely on a trustworthy and stable Data Center. The benefits you will experience will be massive. Don’t wait for a crash to start thinking of it; plan it!

If you are still unsure about Colocation in a Data Center, get in touch with our team, and we will guide you.

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